
INTERVIEW | Ryan Muchen Wang

INTERVIEW | Ryan Muchen Wang

Ryan Muchen Wang is a visual artist and filmmaker based in New York. His film and video work often use a mixture of fiction, documentary, and experimental genres to examine place, displacement, and the issue of memory. His recent video and installation also examine and construct different kinds of storytelling and visual narratives. Many of his moving image work embraces the avant-garde and essayistic modes of fiction and non-fiction cinema.

INTERVIEW | Roel Funcken

INTERVIEW | Roel Funcken

Roel Funcken is a pioneering Dutch musician. He is undoubtedly among the world's greatest and most prolific artists. A contemporary abstract expressionist painter whose work is recognizable for his unique artwork style that is rich in textures, colors, and shapes. Based in The Netherlands, the artist has been making music under his own name for more than 30 years, and since the last years he started painting.

INTERVIEW | Mallory Burrell

INTERVIEW | Mallory Burrell

Mallory’s work focuses on collecting and ritual. In the Flowers of the Anthropocene series, she plays the role of an artist / pseudo-naturalist, for she does not create the flowers. She finds them in the waterways created by the forces of nature and clips the flowers to photograph them back in her studio.

INTERVIEW | Maja Malmcrona

INTERVIEW | Maja Malmcrona

Maja Malmcrona is a Swedish artist. Her work is highly visceral, characterised by an open-ended process of experimentation and mistake. The pieces are continuous works in progress consisting of multiple layers of various media that create a living, three-dimensional, and almost sculptural surface.

INTERVIEW | Zaccheo Zhang

INTERVIEW | Zaccheo Zhang

Zaccheo Zhang is a Chinese artist studying in the United States. She is convinced that the characteristics of photographic materials are the elements that make photography diversified and rejuvenated. At the same time, she believes that her creative, experimental methods have allowed photography to go back to the close relationship with science and reborn from it to a unique way of artistic expression.

INTERVIEW | Aristo Vopĕnka

INTERVIEW | Aristo Vopĕnka

Aristo Vopĕnka explores the boundaries between photography, illustration, painting, and print. Using an experimental attitude towards these different media, new forms of expression take place. They are the beginning of a contemporary reinterpretation of expressionism which he has started to call experiential expressionism.

INTERVIEW | Olga Nikitina

INTERVIEW | Olga Nikitina

Olga Nikitina “When I am underwater, I feel the ocean energy and unity with nature, the silence around. Only I can hear my breathing and sometimes fish rambling. It is easy to enter a trance state when painting underwater. Rays from the sun penetrating through the water are magical - you can see and feel that this is the point where two different worlds intersect and mix – and this is a favorite subject to reflect in my paintings.”