INTERVIEW | Zaccheo Zhang

INTERVIEW | Zaccheo Zhang

Zaccheo Zhang is a Chinese artist studying in the United States. She is convinced that the characteristics of photographic materials are the elements that make photography diversified and rejuvenated. At the same time, she believes that her creative, experimental methods have allowed photography to go back to the close relationship with science and reborn from it to a unique way of artistic expression.

INTERVIEW | Joanna Wlaszyn

INTERVIEW | Joanna Wlaszyn

Joanna Wlaszyn is a Polish-French interdisciplinary artist, teacher, and researcher based in Paris. Her work fuses visual language with conceptual experiments. She attempts to create alternative interpretations in response to a constantly evolving post-digital culture. She challenges perception and representation through video, installations, digital art, and hybrid drawings and paintings.

INTERVIEW | Jayakar Priyadharshan

INTERVIEW | Jayakar Priyadharshan

Jayakar Priyadharshan is a Contemporary Speculative Architect of Indian origin currently in the UK. He is well known for his works in the field of architectural aesthetic practice. One of his famous works is what he calls the invisible building (A building facade that can hide from the eyes of Artificial Intelligence), where he talks about the flipsides of artificial intelligence and countering the rise of AI.