


Jiawei Fu is an Interior Designer and Painter, born in Guangzhou, China, and now living in Los Angeles, USA. Jiawei's practice depicts mundanity and emptiness through a surrealized reality to wake up subconsciousness and create new conversations between people. In her latest series, Deceitful Lovers, she uses a delicate palette to expose the sugar-coated modern ignorance and relentlessness in all beings.

INTERVIEW | Dana Manor Cohen

INTERVIEW | Dana Manor Cohen

Dana Manor Cohen is an Israeli artist, living in Kibbutz Tziv’on. In recent years, she has been painting on old book covers that she collects. These rigid rectangular surfaces accumulate the evidence of many years, and on them, she draws and paints the landscape in which she lives. In these pastoral views, she attempts to express her love and closeness to nature.

INTERVIEW | Shou-An Chiang

INTERVIEW | Shou-An Chiang

Shou-An Chiang currently lives and works in London. She works across photography, video, performance, and installation, in which she explores the ambiguity of relationships and identities, and portrays alienation in a pluralistic society from her own experience. Her recent project, QUEERASIAN, portrays queer Asian people in Western society, and aims to show the faces and stories of these communities from an insider's perspective.

INTERVIEW | Zijun Zhao (Mosa)

INTERVIEW | Zijun Zhao (Mosa)

Zijun Zhao (Mosa) graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her work is based on the recognition and pride of her Asian identity and also the conflict between real life and the illusional world. Every drawing is a process of quarreling with herself that she is creating a world without logic but with order, where she has an opportunity to feel safe.

INTERVIEW | Andrea Gluckman

INTERVIEW | Andrea Gluckman

Andrea Anderson Gluckman is an international award-winning photographer and writer who uses her platforms of academics, activism, and art to witness and leverage the stories of communities devastated by mass violence. She is currently based out of Rochester, New York, where she teaches and works collaboratively with artistic communities on issues of social justice, indigenous truth-telling, and anti-racism work.

INTERVIEW | Marco Lando

INTERVIEW | Marco Lando

Marco Lando's work is influenced by his New York theatre background. Combining existential plot lines, dramatic lighting, and surrealist stage design, the otherworldly mise-en-scenes he creates operate on a visceral, symbolic level. His latest series, the post-apocalyptic realm of Alchemy, evokes a timeless spiritual abyss where atonement and purification seem forever out of reach.



Jiaqi Pan is a Chinese photographer, currently living and working in New York. Her series Drive-thru focuses on the working class, specifically women in the service sector. These photographs celebrate female African-Americans as individuals, working in the low-wage, fast food industry. This body of work reveals spaces and environments we encounter but sometimes overlook in our everyday lives.

INTERVIEW | Gülsah Ayla Bayrak

INTERVIEW | Gülsah Ayla Bayrak

Gülsah Ayla Bayrak (1997) is a multidisciplinary artist from Belgium. Ayla has roots in Turkey and Georgia, which influenced her work drastically. The artist creates connections between east and west and tries to overcome the imaginary border between the two continents. The artist focuses on Individual experience, cultural diaspora, and society's role in her life.

INTERVIEW | Rosinda Casais

INTERVIEW | Rosinda Casais

Rosinda Casais combines architecture with sculpture. At the moment, she collaborates with Fahr 021.3 and studies sculpture at Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto. Throughout her career, she collaborated with different teams of architects, Atelier Peter Zumthor, Vinagre & Côrte-Real, Immopo and as a freelancer.