INTERVIEW | Shurooq Amin

INTERVIEW | Shurooq Amin

Shurooq Amin is a mixed-media interdisciplinary Kuwait artist and an Anglophone poet who aims to instigate positive change in society. As an artist, her work reflects the socio-political dichotomy of the region she lives in, albeit sarcastically, by holding up a mirror to society, loud and unequivocally clear, drawing people in and allowing them to open a dialogue.

INTERVIEW | Daria Lou Nakov

INTERVIEW | Daria Lou Nakov

Daria Lou Nakov is a French visual artist. Her work is at the crossroads between installation, photography, and video. She sees photography as a way to create images and not simply capture the world around her. In a society so fueled with images, she likes to create surrealistic images to question our relation to the hyperrealistic image-based world.



The artist behind XCPinata (Kevin Ferreira) is one of the first artists to combine art and blockchain, having worked on Bitcoin, NFTs, and blockchain (Crypto Art) projects since 2014. Through a history of trying to create "digital originals" and working with cutting-edge technology, the artist brings awareness to the perceived value in the cryptographic tokens in and of themselves.