INTERVIEW | Jikke Lesterhuis

INTERVIEW | Jikke Lesterhuis

Jikke Lesterhuis is a multidisciplinary artist from the Netherlands, currently based in Amsterdam. She never stopped drawing from the moment she learned how to use a pencil. Jikke currently focuses on ways to bring the 2D medium into a 3D space. Using her curiosity and eagerness to learn, she keeps discovering new sides of herself that reflect in her work.

INTERVIEW | Hailing Liu

INTERVIEW | Hailing Liu

Hailing Liu is a mixed-media artist, animator, and motion graphic designer working and living in Chicago. They employ diverse media in their art practice: 2D and 3D animation, video composition, writing, sculpture, printing, Augmented Reality, physical and virtual installation. Focusing on digital culture, images, and media representations in contemporary life, Liu researches images produced as visual communication in capital systems.