
INTERVIEW | Jonathan Irawan

INTERVIEW | Jonathan Irawan

Jonathan is a part of Pulpo Collective - they envision future scenarios, and question how design as a practice can resolve challenges of the future, addressing both the physical realm of our urban habitats and natural environments, as well as changes in society.

INTERVIEW | Anton Lefabi

INTERVIEW | Anton Lefabi

Anton Lefabi’s work is centered on repetition, obsession, irony, and sacrifice, essentially based on a conceptual modus operandi which manifests itself in thematic work series. He shifts perception by investing his energy into developing a method of transcription which aims to let a work radiate a specific idea.

INTERVIEW | Alves Ludovico

INTERVIEW | Alves Ludovico

Super-complexity drives Alves Ludovico’s fascination. He enhances the limits of his perception and comprehension - his creations represent a personal case study, a segment from the super-complexity that he sorts out and where he finds the tools for meaning.

INTERVIEW | Monica Sousa

INTERVIEW | Monica Sousa

Monica Sousa’s art focuses on spaces that emerge from late capitalism, even though sometimes, there is a movement of nature that re-colonized this same place that was intervened by human hands, an entropy that originates the organic development of nature.