
INTERVIEW | Ole Tersløse

INTERVIEW | Ole Tersløse

Ole Tersløse is a Danish artist. The artist deliberately positions himself in a realm of ambiguity, rendering his work difficult to categorize. This ambiguity partly arises from Tersløse's technique. He crafts the majority of image elements from scratch using 3D computer programs also employed in gaming and film visual effects. In these programs, he can manipulate the illusion to his liking, resulting in images that are simultaneously realistic and alienating.



ZULFA is an artist whose works investigates and questions the complexities of inextricably intertwined relationships of religion, culture, and politics and their influences on social structures. As an individual who stands at the crossroads of multiple minority groups, he aims to use his art to amplify their voices and concerns and create contemporary discourse.

INTERVIEW | Oxana Kovalchuk

INTERVIEW | Oxana Kovalchuk

Oxana Kovalchuk is an artist from Kazakhstan, currently living and working in New York/New Jersey. Oxana's body of work "Making Fools Pray To God" metamorphoses Christian saints from her private arsenal into contemporary 'deities' revered by the masses, people at large, under new guises. She sees that the spiritual 'links' today have an equivalent in the 'realities' provided us through digital screens.

INTERVIEW | Sudesh Prasad

INTERVIEW | Sudesh Prasad

Sudesh Prasad is an American artist. He began working as an artist in New York in 1986. His abstract works focus on the collaborative nature of the artist and the viewer. His Cool Empire II series is made of prints from European painting torn from books and overpainted, in an attempt to re-focus the notion of the viewer and their place in the nature of images, painting, and looking at art.