INTERVIEW | Marie Marchandise

INTERVIEW | Marie Marchandise

Marie Marchandise is a photographer and art director living in Toulouse, France. It is a remote photo shoot whose photos resulting from it were printed and assembled in different collages. The work is centered on how to catch movements when you are a chronically ill and quarantined artist.

INTERVIEW | miguel costa [maarqa]

INTERVIEW | miguel costa [maarqa]

Miguel Costa [maarqa] is an artist/architect based in Porto, Portugal. His practice has been developed through interconnected strategies between art, landscape, and architecture. He works individually or in collaboration under the name' maarqa — micro atelier de arquitectura e arte' and divides his professional activity between public space projects and installations, artistic research, and teaching.

INTERVIEW | Shazia Ahmad

INTERVIEW | Shazia Ahmad

Shazia Ahmad’s practice and research interests are centered on the notions of home and belonging, tied to the broader theme of otherness due to her interfaith and mixed-race background. Her latest project, A Year, A Garden, A Feeling (COVID19 Diary), is a personal and semi-autobiographical series.