INTERVIEW | Jiaming Zhang

INTERVIEW | Jiaming Zhang

Jiaming Zhang is a Chinese artist, currently based in America. He is an avid observer and constantly draws inspiration from the space and dynamics around him.In his latest series, Space #, Zhang uses simple lines to express his environmental awareness on canvas. Sensual and innately, exposed to the space, each painting carries its own emotional tone and narrative - just like every inch of air, with a unique smell, movement, and mood.

INTERVIEW | Nadia Armouti

INTERVIEW | Nadia Armouti

Nadia Armouti is an artist and researcher based in London, UK, and Seoul, Korea. She creates experiences that bring visibility to both self-imposed limitations and alternative pathways to personal fulfillment. By forcing her audience to make choices and then reflect on them, she invites a level of awareness to everyday decision-making and crafts her practice with an intent to thoughtfully impact each individual with personalized and lasting effects.